This web page was produced as an assignment for Genetics 677, an undergraduate course at UW-Madison

Gallus gallus embryonic pituitary gland study


Transcriptional regulation patterns of CDH23 pre- and post-hatch in the pituitary gland of chickens shows expression in mRNA levels during empbryonic day 17 vs. Post-hatch day 3. The chickens seem to have a relatively greater level of cdh23 mRNA post-hatch vs pre-hatch in their pituitary gland.  

The pattern is suggests that more CDH23 protein COULD BE required in the pituitary gland on the third day after hatching, as opposed to embryonic day 17 (post-translational effects do not always correlate well to an up or down-regulation in mRNA levels). . If we look at  gene ontologies, this could indicate a few things. It could indicate that  pituitary cells are requiring greater cell adhesion in the pituitary post-hatch , OR it could indicate that there has always been a need for cell adhesion, but the cells now have enough  Ca2+ to "functionalize" CDH23.

Phylogenic Mircoarray from Study

genes with similar upregulation and downregulation patterns in two test groups. Further research should identify the gene ontologies of similarly expressed proteins.


Ben Hofeld, [email protected], last updated: 5.15.2010, Link to course